I’m lost
not in a maze or unknown fog
but lost to the structure of my imagination
rules abound for just this situation
little rules
simple rules
simply little happy rules
rules that are logical
the very evolution of thought
how else to live the perfect life
a happy life
but with rules
I’m sure that there is a rule somewhere
for every occasion
this occasion
a rule that provides for the who
the what
the when
the why of all things
but I’m afraid that rules are rules
and so very unemotional
emotion seems to know no rules
but strikes in unexpected frenzy
regardless of where I sit or speak
or where I might call home
as in daylight
I am surrounded
by hope
by fear
consumed in laughter
a lonely cry
emotion is always so absolute
a prison
of desperation
a place of refuge
to hide
to grow
where the thought of the day is not required
at peace
I could use a place like this forever
but emotion
cannot be trusted
for emotion has been known to change
in an instant
for no apparent reason
reason bridges the gap between rules and emotion
One who reasons
it seems to me
should have the best of both worlds
of rules
of emotion
still reason requires time
to pull apart and piece together
examine the roots and trends
the where and whys and therefores
each modified to fit a conceptual fact or fiction
so on it goes and on it goes
until such time
in due time
conclusions of total reason
precipitate to meet the challenge of the day
but reason
by its nature
can get in its own way
at critical times
as these times
a time of love
my love
makes its own rules
for the rules of the past do not respect the life in love
this life
commands emotion
through unchallenged sweeps of frightened joy
my joy
prohibits reason
from reaching an obvious conclusion
I’m not alone
with my love I am never alone
but I’m lost
not in a maze or unknown fog
but lost to the structure of my imagination